How to Clean Your Air Filters

You may have already read my article about how often to clean your air filters. But even if you’ve figured out how OFTEN to do it, the question remains… just HOW do you do it? I’ll explain it to you in a few simple steps, but feel free to watch our video below to hear a brief explanation of why it’s important to clean your air filters, followed by a little demonstration of how I cleaned mine at home.


Step 1:

First, pop the cover open. I’m not exactly the strongest person out there, but I’m able to pop it open with just my hands by pulling towards me on the sides of the front panel, near the bottom where two little tabs are located.


Step 2:

Then, using the small tabs found on the filter, gently lift and pull outward. Some models don’t have two identical filters, so depending on your model, you may want to keep track of which filter came out of which side and try not to mix them up.


Step 3:

Next, rinse the filters under running water. In this video our filters weren’t very dirty, so it may take you a bit longer to clean yours if they’ve been a little… shall we say, neglected.

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Step 4:

Blot your now wonderfully clean filters with a towel.


Step 5:

Now that your filters are all clean and not too wet, slide them (it’s okay if they’re still damp) back into their slots following the little track inside. If they don’t go in easily, make sure that you haven’t mixed them up.

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Step 6:

Close the front cover and you’re done!

And that’s it! The first time might take you a little longer. I know the first time I did it, I waited for Nathan to get home because I wasn’t sure how to open the front cover. But once he showed me there are little tabs and I knew where to apply pressure, it popped open super easily. So after you do it once, it will only get easier and you’ll get faster at cleaning those bad boys. Prepare to breathe fresh air again!

Avril Rickaby